News and Events
Out Reach to Local Schools
Meeting Schedule
Latest Chapter News
Out Reach to local schools
Weare Middle School
MRVTU members George Rollend and Bob Bluhm were invited to the Weare Middle School to conduct a fly tying demonstration and talk about fly fishing, and entomology. We also observed their Trout in the Classroom project supported by the TU State organization and the New Hampshire Fish and Game.
MRVTU provides all the tools and supplies necessary for a student to tie a beginners fly.
Contact MRVTU to schedule a demonstration.
Henniker Elementary
MRVTU members George Rollend and Bob Bluhm were invited to the Henniker Elementary school to introduce students to fly fishing and how to tie a fly. MRVTU provides all the tools and supplies necessary for a student to tie a beginners fly.
Contact MRVTU to schedule a demonstration.
BREAKING NEWS….MRVTU will be at the Weare Middle School Science Night April 11, 6 to 8 pm
2025 Membership Meeting schedule and speakers
March 11, 6 pm Tie one on with Todd, 7pm Rick Little of Shad Creek Flies presenting
"The Search For Atlantic Salmon"
April 8, 6 pm Tie one on with Todd, 7 pm, Jack Savage of the Society for the Protection of NH Forests discussing their efforts.
May 13, Fishing on the Piscataquog River at the New Boston Library. This is the last meeting till September.